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Catholic Encyclopedia
Authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests and doctrine, including a bible and a world history chart..

Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.
Nearly 51,000 entries on a wide range of topics, with more than 80,000 hypertext cross-references. Among the most complete and up-to-date encyclopedias online.

Concise Encyclopedia Britannica
You can get the complete Britannica online for a hefty fee, but this abbreviated version is free.
More than 57,000 articles enhanced with links to newspaper and magazine articles, pictures and maps.

Encyclopedia Mythica
Encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, legends, and much more; over 7000 entries on gods, goddesses, heroes, legendary creatures and other beings from all over the world.

Mythical Creatures and Places
Thorough glossary includes mythological, biblical, Egyptian and Asian beings and places.

Librarians' Index to the Internet
A well-organized point of access for reliable, trustworthy, librarian-selected Internet resources. From here you can directly search various search engines and other major reference sources.

"The fact checker for the Internet." Indexes quality Internet sites and assists in getting there. From here you can directly search a variety of sites, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, etc. You might want to make it your homepage.

Martindale's The Reference Desk
Quick facts on a wide variety of subjects handily available, including many topics related to science, language and literature, education, etc., The Virtual Medical Center, calculators, etc.

One of the more useful online encyclopedias, currently with over 2,500,000 articles. Anyone can add to its database (and therefore is not always reliable), and it is in the public domain.

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