Bookstores And Booksellers
- A large consortium of independent bookstores makes millions of books available, new, used, rare, collectibe, etc..
- alibris
- Good place to find out-of-print, rare, and used books of all sorts. Tho the prices seem a bit high. Lists 200 pages
of poetry books, 20 pages of poetry reference books.
- What's to say? High availability, good service, not always the best prices.
- Barnes and Noble
- Claims to be "The World's Largest Bookseller online," but you'll find much more than books.
- Beagle Books
- Buys and sells used books including a broad range of textbooks, non-fiction, current fiction and childrens books. MyBookBuyer
is their buyback service, available online 24 hours a day. Send a list of available books and they will quote a price. Shipping
is free.
- Best Book Buys
- Can search dozens of bookstores and compare prices on new and used books. Also covers music, videos and electronics.
Links to and rates 21 major bookstores.
- Book
- Bargains in a wide variety of books.
- The Book Depository
- Fastest growing book distributor in Europe. Home base is in the UK, but with an international network it advertises "free
shipping to Western Europe, North America and some other countries." Its aim is to make "All books available to All."
- Over 150 million new, used, rare, and out of print books in English, French, German and Italian.
- Provides direct links to a host of other booksellers and listing agencies associated with Bookfinder. Use it to access
more than 150,000 booksellers around the world.
- FetchBook.Info
- Find the lowest price on new & used books; compares 127 book stores, 60,000 sellers.
- Buy or sell books, movies, music, etc. at very reasonable prices. Now owned and operated by eBay.
- Han Books
- Books in English and Korean; also magazines, DVDs, CDs and more. Operated by the largest online Korean bookstore in the
United States.
- Philadelphia Rare Books & Manuscripts Company: The Busted Bibliophile
- Good place to find bargains on rare or hard-to-find books: "lesser copies at lower prices." For books in better condition,
check the main site: Philadelphia Rare Books
- The Poetry Bookshop
- supplying rare, out of print, new and used poetry books. Searchable by author/title; offers Booksearch for hard-to-find
- Powell's Books
- One of the world's most familiar bookstores and one of the most successful dot-com bookstores. New, used and out of
print books, often with the lowest prices.
- Sell Back Your Book
- Buys used books including textbooks, non-fiction and current fiction best sellers. Provides instant quotes, free shipping
via prepaid mailing label, and payment within two business days of your item being received.