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Rhyming Dictionaries

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Rhyming Dictionaries
Dictionary, Rhyming, Crossword Puzzle Solver, Scrabble, Quotations, Thesaurus, Anagrams, Pig Latin, and many other features. May be the only dictionary you need for most purposes.

Lexical FreeNet Connected Thesaurus
Thesaurus that can search for related rhyming words.
Online rhyming dictionary created by children's poet Kenn Nesbitt. Easy to use, with links to lots of other poetry-oriented fun for kids. Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus
Searchable dictionary and thesaurus: find rhymes and synonyms for English words and phrases.

Much more than just a rhyming dictionary. Search for quotations, pictures, complete texts of Shakespeare's works, The Bible, Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, nursery rhymes, etc. Includes the former Semantic Rhyming Dictionary.

Rhyming Dictionaries Online
Links to 8 rhyming dictionaries.

WordCentral Rhyming Dictionary : Music Room's Verse Composer
Compose poems on the fly! Fill in the blanks and create your own instant poem. Appeals to all ages.

Rhyming dictionary and songwriter toolbox. Rhyme words, phrases, acronyms, abbreviations, proper nouns, mosaic rhymes, near rhymes, end rhymes, and slang. As a member (free) you can add to and edit content, participate in forums, and even make your own page.

Write Express Online Rhyming Dictionary
Handy for poetry and songwriting; with thesuaurus, spell checker and word-finding tool.

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