- Langenberg.com
- Dictionary, Rhyming, Crossword Puzzle Solver, Scrabble, Quotations, Thesaurus, Anagrams, Pig Latin, and many other features.
May be the only dictionary you need for most purposes.
- Lexical FreeNet Connected Thesaurus
- Thesaurus that can search for related rhyming words.
- Poetry4Kids.com
- Online rhyming dictionary created by children's poet Kenn Nesbitt. Easy to use, with links to lots of other poetry-oriented
fun for kids.
- Poetry.com Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Searchable dictionary and thesaurus: find rhymes and synonyms for English words and phrases.
- RhymeZone
- Much more than just a rhyming dictionary. Search for quotations, pictures, complete texts of Shakespeare's works, The
Bible, Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, nursery rhymes, etc. Includes the former Semantic Rhyming Dictionary.
- Rhyming Dictionaries Online
- Links to 8 rhyming dictionaries.
- WordCentral Rhyming Dictionary : Music Room's Verse Composer
- Compose poems on the fly! Fill in the blanks and create your own instant poem. Appeals to all ages.
- WikiRhymer
- Rhyming dictionary and songwriter toolbox. Rhyme words, phrases, acronyms, abbreviations, proper nouns, mosaic rhymes,
near rhymes, end rhymes, and slang. As a member (free) you can add to and edit content, participate in forums, and even make
your own page.
- Write Express Online Rhyming Dictionary
- Handy for poetry and songwriting; with thesuaurus, spell checker and word-finding tool.