- Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
- The Old Reliable. This tenth edition (1919) was the first new edition published after Bartlett's death in 1905. Searchable
by author, subject or keyword.
- Dictionary of Quotations (Simone)
- Searchable by author, subject or keyword.
- Dictionary of Quotations (Brumbaugh)
- "General purpose" quotations. Searchable by author, subject or keyword.
- LitQuotes
- Over 700 quotes from great works of literature. Arranged by author, title , topic, new quotes, or browse the whole bunch.
- Quotations and Sayings Database
- Amazing collection of materials including the "almost complete" works of Mark Twain. Versatile search capabilities by
author, subject or keyword.
- Quoteland.com
- Searchable by author, subject or keyword. Good sections on literature, writing and poetry. Several discussion groups
let you seek or provide info about quotes, authors, etc.
- Quotes for Poets
- An email service that delivers pertinent and interesting quotes to you several times a week. Also has an online archive.
You can even post your own favorites.
- Quotes for Writers (Amberdine)
- Accessible by subject only.
- Quotes for Writers (Ennyman)
- Accessible in short list form only.
- Quotes for Writers (Palumbo)
- Accessible in short list form only.
- Quotez
- More than 13500 quotations, with a versatile "Power Search" that offers great search options. Has a daily email option,
and you can quiz them about a quotation's source.
- Simpson's Contemporary Quotations, 1988
- Most notable quotations from 1950-1988; over 10,000 entries from 4,000 sources.
- The Quotations Page
- One of the oldest quotation sites on the Web. Large database with search engine, discussion forum for quotation-related
topics, over 1000 biographies of quoted authors, and more. Arranged by subject, author or randomly. Offers an email Quote
of the Day.
- ThinkExist.com
- Over 90,000 quotations by over 9,000 authors. Searchable by author, subject or keyword. Daily quote service.
- Writers Home Quotations
- Searchable by author, subject or keyword. Also offers other services for writers.