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Standard Dictionaries

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Standard English Dictionaries

Offers a variety of services including custom dictionaries, translation services and word databases. Capable of searching 1065 online English dictionaries at once.

American-British/British-American Dictionary
Defines American in terms of British and vice versa. Includes articles on differences between American and British English and much, much more on aspects of the English language. Links to other sites on slang, dialects, Cockney rhyming, jokes, etc.

Dictionary of American Regional English
Documents varieties of English that are not found everywhere in the United States — words, pronunciations and phrases that vary from one region to another.

The Free Dictionary
"English, Medical, Legal, Financial, and Computer Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, a Literature Reference Library, and a Search Engine all in one!" Very useful.

Searchable, categorised directory of glossaries and topical dictionaries.

Includes English and medical dictionaries, as well as computer terminology, video terms, and dream interpretation. Easily searchable.

Combines contents of encyclopedia, dictionary, and up-to-the minute almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records. Places the resources of an entire reference information center at your fingertips.
An entire library at your finger tips! A free virtual library resource center for educators, students, librarians and the general public. Brings the best library and reference sites together in one user-friendly spot.

Merriam-Webster's Word Central
Student dictionary. Search standard and rhyming dictionaries and thesaurus. Build your own dictionary; play word games.

Middle English Dictionary
15,000 pages of medieval scholarship. Comprehensive analysis of lexicon and usage for the period 1100-1500. Largest collection of this kind available. Searchable.

Poeminister's Archaic & Poetical Dictionary
Interesting! When you need a poetic or archaic term, or want to avoid one, browse this alphabetized list.
A search engine for words and phrases. Provides definition, translation and spelling help for 12,739,111 words from 1065 dictionaries. Wildcard searches and reverse dictionary capabilities.
Extensive links to all kinds of dictionaries, incl. rhyming , foreign language, professional, etc.
A fun site that helps you pronounce words in a huge variety of languages and locations around the world while laughing a lot at the same time.

A convenient and speedy way to look up words without disrupting your normal web browsing. It makes words on web pages, or those you type in, into links so you can click on any word to look it up on the spot. Also provides online dictionaries, thesauri, and word translators.

Does computer language confuse you? Try this dictionary and search engine for computer and Internet terminology.
Online dictionaries in 150 different languages, grammar for 70 languages, thesauri, and many other pages of "linguistic fun."

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