Poetry Forms and Patterns
Western Forms
- Acrostics
- Al Rocheleau, online poetry guru first with Atlantic Monthly then with the popular Orca forum, gives a thorough, understandable
explanation, with example.
- Ballad
- Helpful explanation of the ballad, especially the 6-line ballad stanza; by Conrad Geller of Inklings and the head of the
Committee on Public Doublespeak of the National Council of Teachers of English.
- Ballad
- Al Rocheleau, online poetry guru first with Atlantic Monthly then with the popular Orca forum, gives a thorough, understandable
explanation, with example.
- Blank Verse
- Al Rocheleau, online poetry guru first with Atlantic Monthly then with the popular Orca forum, gives a thorough, understandable
explanation, with example.
- Blank Verse
- From Writing Workshop's Firesheets
- Blank Verse
- From The Craft of Poetry, a poetry course devised by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin
- Cinquain
- John Hewitt's intro to the cinquain, with examples.
- Cinquain
- Excellent definition and examples, with several links to other sites, including the complete Adelaide Crapsey cinquains.
- Clerihews
- Clear explanation, with examples from Thinks.com, where you will find lots of other fun with words.
- Couplet
- From The Craft of Poetry, a poetry course devised by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin.
- Dramatic Monologue: An Introduction
- Thorough explanation by George P. Landow, with links to examples.
- Epistle
- John Hewitt's brief intro to the Epistle, with an example.
- The Grossblank
- A new form created by Larry Gross; with examples.
- The Limerick
- Good intro to limericks, with examples and links to 11 other limerick sites.
- The Ode
- Brief and very general definition by Alice Vo Edwards and Angeline Tiamson, with links to othe examples, including Walt
- Poetry Formats
- Brief explanations of acrostic, ballad, ballade, blank verse, cinquain, clerihew, free form, free verse, ghazal, haiku,
limerick, pantoum, paradelle, renga, rengay, rondeau, rubiyat, senryu, sestina, sijo, sonnet, Spenserian stanza, tanka, triolet,
villanelle, and virelay. Some with examples. A handy place to start.
- Quatrain
- From The Craft of Poetry, a poetry course devised by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin
- Repeating and Interlocking Forms
- Definitions and examples of Kyrielle, Rondeau, Rondel, Rubaiyat, Triolet, Sestina, Terza Rima, Terzanelle, Villanelle,
Lai and Virelai, and Pantoum.
- Sestina
- From The Craft of Poetry, a poetry course devised by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin
- Sestinas
- Al Rocheleau, online poetry guru first with Atlantic Monthly then with the popular Orca forum, gives a thorough, understandable
explanation, with example.
- Sonnet
- Al Rocheleau, online poetry guru first with Atlantic Monthly then with the popular Orca forum, gives a thorough, understandable
explanation, with example.
- Sonnet
- From The Craft of Poetry, a poetry course devised by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin
- Sonnet Central
- Best sonnet site around. Definitions, instructions for writing, articles and sonnets from 600 years of sonneteers, from
Petrarch to the 20th century, plus a Sonnet Magnet board for instant composing and other attractions as well; you can even
submit poems to the site and read those of others.
- Tercet
- From The Craft of Poetry, a poetry course devised by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin
- Tercet and Triad
- John Hewitt's brief intro to the 3-line verse, with examples.
- Villanelle
- Al Rocheleau, online poetry guru first with Atlantic Monthly then with the popular Orca forum, gives a thorough, understandable
explanation, with example.
- Villanelle
- Simplified explanation of the form, with examples
- Villanelle and Terzanelle
- From The Craft of Poetry, a poetry course devised by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin