The Poetry of Anne Bonner
Member at Large, Florida State Poets Associaiton
The Golden Years (?)
My silver letter opener has made
my heart quiver, my hands flutter
as it opened romantic love letters
and mail from precious friends.
Now married for years, my letter opener
slices open junk mail and
...Write Now, (1999 Space Coast Writers' Guild Newsletter); Space
Coast Poets Anthology 2002.
Gloomy weather, trees bare,
shimmering leaves brown,
twisted, lying in a heap;
sun hiding behind gray clouds,
wind whistling by.
I don't yearn for riches or gold,
jewels are not my thing;
sunny skies, sandy beaches,
sandpipers running to and fro,
seagulls screeching your name,
undulating waves trickling to shore,
your face in Florida's sun.
Dreaming of being with you in
Memory was excellent,
addresses, telephone numbers
distant relatives, new friends;
old age settling in,
brain shrinking or
runneth over;
no longer storing words
not used everyday,
useless information
in this information age.
Just would like to remember
where the car is parked,
(or where the car keys are).
...Back Home in Florida, a book of poetry by Anne Bonner
"seagulls screeching your name"
Anne Bonner
Anne is a fifth generation Floridian living in Melbourne. She has published a book of poetry, Back Home in Florida,
recording the changes that occurred in Florida while she was living a nomadic existence as the wife of an Air Force fighter
pilot for 26 years. The first two novels in her trilogy for children ages 9-12, Secrets at Pine Haven—Civil War Comes to Florida, and Intrigue at Pine Haven both have a five star rating on, and the recently published Beyond Pine Haven promises to do as well.