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Ruth Nott

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The Poetry of Ruth Nott
Big Bend Poets chapter, Florida State Poets Association

Gentle Rain

Gentle rain cleanse my spirit.
Bring freshness to a life gone stale.
Wash away the dust and dirt
from corners long forgotten.
Stimulate growth where seeds lie
dormant in life’s garden.
Gentle rain cleanse my spirit
and feed my longing to know more,
feel more, experience more
of the abundant life God has in store.
Open my heart and bare my soul
so that I may be a light for others.
Gentle rain cleanse my spirit.


dawn –
when light first
breaks the darkness,
a time of contemplation and
prayer, when feathers ruffle and
fledglings peep, when nesting squirrels
stretch and descend to begin a day of foraging
and play, when the silence of the night gives
way to the cacophony of the day, when your
senses awaken to the touch of the sheets,
the scent of jasmine on the breeze,
the snoring of the dog at your feet,
when eyes, unwilling to open,
beg for a few more moments
of sleep and you tongue tries
to moisten your lips
and you frown at
the taste of

Three Haiku

cherry blossoms
the color of pink ribbons –
a blooming tribute

dawn of the new year...
our heartbeats quicken in

butterflies hover
over flowerless branches
dreaming of summer

Love Blooms
(an acrostic)

L iving for each
O ther is a
V ision shared
E very day

B e kind
L earn patience
O pen yourself
O ffer friendship
M ake time for each other
S avor each moment

© 2008 Ruth Nott
Ruth Nott

Raindrop falling from colored leaf
"Gentle rain cleanse my spirit."

RUTH is 65, retired, and living in Chiefland, Florida. She has been writing poetry for many years, and her work has appeared in several small press publications including Quilt World magazine, Poetry Canada, Whatever is Pure Ezine,, The Joy of Living Collection” and the “Imagine” collection at Hazel Street and in anthologies of the International Library of Poetry. Her work is often spiritual, inspirational, romantic, or occasionally amusing.

Ruth enjoys quilting as well as her church ladies group; she is a member of the Suwannee River Poets of Chiefland FL, and also of the Big Bend Poets chapter of the Florida State Poets Association. Seven of her poems appear in a chapbook titled Verse-atility published by the Chiefland Poets Group in 2003. In January 2005, Ruth published her first book of Christian poetry, A Pure and Simple Faith and in January 2006 assisted her family in publishing a family anthology titled Family Matters. In 2007 Ruth published Crazy Patch, Haiku for Lovers, Where Memory Lingers, and Garden of Faith. All of Ruth’s books are available on or from her websites:
Poetic Stitches
Creative Words Poetry
Ruth Nott

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