Intelligible only to those with special knowledge
As the moon pulls the currents
Your energy flows through me
As the air that I breathe
You are always with me
As the stars fill the sky
Your life-light brightens me
As the river flows to the sea
Your presence draws me
As the mysteries of life
This connection will not be unraveled
As the power of prayer
I find peace in you
As a spirit is illusive
So are you to me
© Copyright 2006 by Jill Terry. All rights reserved.

The sun is setting quickly and the warmth I basked in just moments before
leaves me cold and unfeeling; a numbness that consumes me from the inside out,
but has little to do with the chill that fills the night air.
It's the tearing apart of my heart as the seam is split and everything falls
to pieces; the severing of the connection that momentarily breathed all that was
real into my world, making me feel complete and whole—giving me reason to be
nothing more than myself.
© Copyright 2006 by Jill Terry. All rights reserved.

Minutes turn to hours and hours to days
As time ticks on and dormant she lays
Staring with unseeing eyes
Having no conscious perception of what she is seeing
Focusing solely on the dull ache inside
As her heart beats on—keeping her alive
Exhaustion finally claims her
And slowly steals her away
Into fitful sleep where she cannot escape the pain
Lost moments play in her mind, as a movie in her dreams
Moments that have passed and are over
But that can never be stolen away
Then light comes and breaks the night
Signaling the rising of the sun
Forced to face another day
She wonders if the strength will come-
© Copyright 2006 by Jill Terry. All rights reserved.